Hole in the Sky festival !

I didn't take any pics by the way sorry :( I wasn't feeling to well that day so I just wanted to see the major bands I wanted to see.Impaled went on at 1 am I was surprised they were on so late but o well they kicked ass. Forlorn got a pretty damn good response from the fans (have that on video tape) which was pretty good since most of the crowd doesn't know the new music/sound by them :)
Well ...it was a good show on saturday atleast and I bet as the years go on this fest will be Norway's biggest :) I don't know about you guys but i think it sucks that people have to travel far away to see big metal fests although they are great events ..don't me wrong but not everyone has money to get plane tickets/trains etc plus fest tickets ya know? I'm glad Bergen has done Hole in the sky and they do a damn good job too \m/ !!
well, I don't complain too much about the cost of train/planes tickets in fact, here in Oslo there are good and plenty of events around the year, so enough to satisfy the extreme-workers ...
the latest concert was Candlemass/Red Harvest, vel, I dig Red Harvest, more than Candlemass to be fair ...