Holiday At Lake Bodom (15 Years of Wasted Youth)CD+DVD

I never said it was because of youtube vid's, but because it's just lame work. I mean, it doesn't take a lot of work to grab a camera, record, mix them randomly, and then say it's a documentary. Also, cover songs... well, I can complain all day, but it's not gonna solve anything. Good day
You just said what everybody thinks... except they're on youtube already.

I could pay a lot for some 1999-2001 special release.

Dude, they did that, it's called Bestbreeder, and was only released in Japan. Got a copy of it, and I like it better than this new "best of" cd :P DVD is the only reason I bought it :P
Dude, they did that, it's called Bestbreeder, and was only released in Japan. Got a copy of it, and I like it better than this new "best of" cd :P DVD is the only reason I bought it :P

I think these DVD:s with a little documentary are a waste of vinyl material...

I don't even own Bestbreeder. Why should I? It's a random compilation put together by people outside the band itself. The problem I have with it is I can't digest CD's that have live material amidst studio material. It's just not proper. And the song order is just random imo.
Hehe, I find Bodom's documentaries almost as amusing as their music, their humor kind of fits me as well, and great videos to start drinking to before going to a party or out to a club :D Just like all the ol' Pantera videos :)

Well, I'm not quite sure about the whole people outside the band thing, cause Toy Factory is the label Bodom uses when releasing material in Asia. So it might just be that the japan fans demanded a "best of album" or that the management thought it was a good idea. Still I like it for what it is, and those Tokyo Warheart song are equally good as their originals or even better :P