In early 2007, Marius Sjøli joined Robert Osgood in Hollow Branches. Together they recorded an EP, Words are Fire. They had help from Saskia Katarina Hidas (viola), Ralf Rabendorn (synths/backing vocals) and Jason Walton (bass, mixing, mastering). This EP is now available for free download at http://www.myspace.com/hollowbranches, http://www.last.fm/music/Hollow+Branches/Words+are+Fire and http://www.rhosound.com/HB/HollowBranches _wordsarefire.zip (as a .zip file.)
Anyone interested in high quality WAVs to burn to CD, send me a message at hollow.branches (at) gmail.com.
For fans of Bark Psychosis, A Silver Mt. Zion and Portishead