Hollywood liberals give money to the Kerry campaign

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
As reported by several news organizations, many liberal, far left celeberties have donated a lot of money to the Kerry campaign, and far left propagada websites such as move on.org. Some of the Hollywood leftists include:

Rob Reiner
Barbra Strisand
Tom Hanks
Chevey Chase

What does this prove? That Hollywood is a liberal cesspool, filled with far left Bush haters who use their money to feul their political views.
At least the four you mentioned SUCK ASS!!!
(Even though I Loved Spinal Tap!!)

Cryptkeeper said:
As reported by several news organizations, many liberal, far left celeberties have donated a lot of money to the Kerry campaign, and far left propagada websites such as move on.org. Some of the Hollywood leftists include:

Rob Reiner
Barbra Strisand
Tom Hanks
Chevey Chase

What does this prove? That Hollywood is a liberal cesspool, filled with far left Bush haters who use their money to feul their political views.
Cryptkeeper said:
That Hollywood is a liberal cesspool, filled with far left Bush haters who use their money to feul their political views.

So what else is new? its been like that for years now.........................
Cryptkeeper said:
True, but the only person in Claifornia that I can think of that hasn't slammed the president, is the govoner, Arnold, who is a Republican, which is good for the state, at least I think it is.
I have to admit, it really pissed me off when he was elected gov.. But he has really turned that state around, there economy is getting better and the best part ....hes pro Bush.............. . Im sure that pissed off ALOT of those liberal actor pussys.

He still pisses me off with that whole wanting to be president bullshit....
old school headbanger said:
I have to admit, it really pissed me off when he was elected gov.. But he has really turned that state around, there economy is getting better and the best part ....hes pro Bush.............. . Im sure that pissed off ALOT of those liberal actor pussys.

He still pisses me off with that whole wanting to be president bullshit....
When I heard he was elected gov. I thought it was great. A Republican is elected gov. in a state filled with liberal pussies. And your right, he really has turned the state around. He's doing a great job. And like you said, the best part is, he's pro-Bush!