holy bejesus: my huge mean obese coworker has a giant candy dispenser on her desk


when I was there, the guy I was there with got stuck in that ride!!! the workers got all scared cause we started talkin about LEGAL ACTIONS, so they gave us free food and candy!!!
I particularly enjoy the chocolate factory ride in which you discover that the hershey manufacturing procedure apparently involves some sort of nuclear reactor/warp drive/intelligent computer thing with lots of flashing colored lights.
oh my god. that rat is so fat.
josh, remember when that girl on bco used to lose her shit when i would say 'morbidly obese'? like, HELLO YES BEING FAT ACTUALLY KILLZ PEOPLE DEAL WITH IT.
yeah, and when you're mordbidly obese you have to get your son or daughter to lift up and clean under the giant flap of fat that extends over your special place down to your knees! GROSS.

or you don't. GROSSER.
the funny thing is, i wasn't even being insulting when i wrote that. and it's a medical term. and she like, was just waiting to hate on my size 0 wearing ass. i was like WALK IT OFF. (literally)