Holy Crap I Totally Just Saw Crazy Alien Kayaker Dude!


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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live

Only he didn't have a kayak & oar, he was wearing jeans and sandals. Didn't look too green either- more reddish. He wasn't in a river under the stars. And he wasn't a he, he was a she.

Actually, it was just a red haired girl with a big forehead in the Jamba Juice dow the street. But she reminded me of the dude.
I dunno, you actually might like it- she's like a feminine Johnny Cash. Loud voice, but her music's a bit darker and more earthy/classic than today's crappy country. She was doing that Nick Cave tour last year that got postponed.

They should rename this tour to "Tour of Coincidences 2002". She coincidentally plays here Oct 25th, the night before NU Homecoming game & my 5-yr college class reunion. Not my birthday, but a football game will do.

I can't figure out if she's a lesbian or not; some of her lyrics seem to lean that way, talking about curves on a woman... but I'd rather not know if that's the case. It ruins the fantasy.
Toby, I had a dream last night that you were scolding me for forgetting that your birthday was September 19th and thinking it was the 29th. By the end of the dream you had convinced me that I had been wrong all along. When I came into work this morning and saw your post confirming that your birthday was, indeed, the 29th, I was very comforted.

I have such stupid and pointless dreams.