Holy fuck

well it's just a cat. if you live together with one or more cats you're not as amazed by this video as you guys
I had this white cat named Todd when I was a young boy. I would frequently strap his arms up around my shoulders wearing him like a backpack. I also threw him back and forth across the two beds in my room. And to top it off, I would trap him underneath a basket before I left for school, and let him out when I came home. I don't know how he put up with all that shit without clawing my face off.

I feel so bad for having done all that to him. He was a good cat, and I was such a fucking moron :erk:
I had this white cat named Todd when I was a young boy. I would frequently strap his arms up around my shoulders wearing him like a backpack. I also threw him back and forth across the two beds in my room. And to top it off, I would trap him underneath a basket before I left for school, and let him out when I came home. I don't know how he put up with all that shit without clawing my face off.

I feel so bad for having done all that to him. He was a good cat, and I was such a fucking moron :erk:

I had this white cat named Todd when I was a young boy. I would frequently strap his arms up around my shoulders wearing him like a backpack. I also threw him back and forth across the two beds in my room. And to top it off, I would trap him underneath a basket before I left for school, and let him out when I came home. I don't know how he put up with all that shit without clawing my face off.

I feel so bad for having done all that to him. He was a good cat, and I was such a fucking moron :erk:

I can kind of relate to that in a way..

When I was younger, I had a puppy named Precious. I treated her awful, I admit. I flicked her in the nose several times as a joke, turned my music up to where it hurt her ears, I was so mean to her. :(

Then when she was about six months old, she had to have surgery. She suffered complications from it, and a main artery in her leg wound up bursting. I went to the veterinarian's office to see her, and she let me pet her after all the bullshit I done to her. She died twenty minutes after I left.

I was young, pretty fucking stupid, and definitely made a drastic change in how I saw my pets and animals in general after she died. I really do miss her.
I can kind of relate to that in a way..

When I was younger, I had a puppy named Precious. I treated her awful, I admit. I flicked her in the nose several times as a joke, turned my music up to where it hurt her ears, I was so mean to her. :(

Then when she was about six months old, she had to have surgery. She suffered complications from it, and a main artery in her leg wound up bursting. I went to the veterinarian's office to see her, and she let me pet her after all the bullshit I done to her. She died twenty minutes after I left.

I was young, pretty fucking stupid, and definitely made a drastic change in how I saw my pets and animals in general after she died. I really do miss her.

You... you... Monster !
I can kind of relate to that in a way..

When I was younger, I had a puppy named Precious. I treated her awful, I admit. I flicked her in the nose several times as a joke, turned my music up to where it hurt her ears, I was so mean to her. :(

Then when she was about six months old, she had to have surgery. She suffered complications from it, and a main artery in her leg wound up bursting. I went to the veterinarian's office to see her, and she let me pet her after all the bullshit I done to her. She died twenty minutes after I left.

I was young, pretty fucking stupid, and definitely made a drastic change in how I saw my pets and animals in general after she died. I really do miss her.

that's pretty sick, especially the music thing. you suck(ed)
i could say "kids and pets...doesn't work" but i wasn't so fucked up when i was young :D
seriously i shared my chair with god ol smeagol during the breakfast ,shared my bed the rest of the day with him like i now do with my 2 lady cats. i love my cats:blush:
i hope you're going to treat your children the same way :)
You people are seriously fucked up. I stabbed one guy's hand with a pen once because he was kicking his dog for fun.

As I said on the other topic, I don't care if people eat animals, but hurting them for free makes me want to hang yourselves and burn your bodies. Morons.
^^ Those are sins of the past; we have acknowledged the cruelty. Moron. I'm sure you acted 100% rationally as a child rite

it has nothing to do with thinking rationally. being amused by seing someone suffering or having fun with torturing animals is just sick. even if you're child.