Holy fuck....

Balls McHoolihan

You mean coitus?
Jan 22, 2012
Just found out that a guy I went to high school is best friends with Dave Culross, the drummer for Suffocation....:eek: I'm originally from Long Island so it makes sense lol. He showed me some Facebook pics too. Shit, who would have thought...
CLEARLY that means you better be getting cheap tickets and backstage passes!!

That would be pretty fuckin' cool. I was in one class with the guy back in early high school, but we were pretty decent friends (within school.....never hung out outside of school). He's a Facebook friend though and we talk from time to time. Hey, at least I know someone with connections now!
Best I got is that one of Incantation's bassists is in my town and I'm friends with someone in his new band.

OH, wait. I got one. Buddy comes up to me at the gym and goes "hey have you ever heard of a band called Lamb of God?" I'm like "Uh... yeah, why?" He says, "Oh turns out my one friend is brothers with the drummer. Was talking about hanging out with him for a while recently, but I didn't know the band."
Best I got is that one of Incantation's bassists is in my town and I'm friends with someone in his new band.

OH, wait. I got one. Buddy comes up to me at the gym and goes "hey have you ever heard of a band called Lamb of God?" I'm like "Uh... yeah, why?" He says, "Oh turns out my one friend is brothers with the drummer. Was talking about hanging out with him for a while recently, but I didn't know the band."

Sounds like your buddy is pretty un-metalhead huh?
I met don of the dead(Nunslaughter) in melb one time when i was about 23 it was at an Incantation gig,he coame and gave me a flyer for an upcoming Nunslaughter gig.I reckon it was because I was off my face on amphetamines,sweating profusely and hada 'anthems to the welkin..) hoodie on and striding triumphantly in a pair of green jeans.
Sounds like your buddy is pretty un-metalhead huh?

Yeah dude, he's not even close to a metal guy. He's one of those guys that has Sirius and mostly sticks with Boneyard, Vinyl classics and shit like that. Has great taste, don't get me wrong, just ZERO metal in it, LOL.
Yeah dude, he's not even close to a metal guy. He's one of those guys that has Sirius and mostly sticks with Boneyard, Vinyl classics and shit like that. Has great taste, don't get me wrong, just ZERO metal in it, LOL.

Boneyard plays Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Metallica, Pantera, hell one day they played Possessed...
Yeah they play older stuff, though. And he's big into a lot of that, but you're not gonna find LoG or more "current-ish" bands on there.

Side note: just found out Bob Macabre of Chainsaw Dissection (think Mortician but one guy, no samples, and albums that are 4-6 hours long) lives about a half hour away from me.
There's this dude I met who comes into the store I work at and his brother is best friends with Mark Shelton. He's even mentioned in the Hellwell credits(Dr. Doom)
I don't KNOW anyone but...I was actually planning to go to the Rigor Mortis show where Mike died...unsure if it's good I didn't go or not...I'd feel legendary but traumatized :/ RIP and such.
I've had a couple conversations with Daniel Corchado from The Chasm and the guy from Insidious Decrepancy/Viral Load who's name escapes me for a minute... And I worked with a guy that played with Karma to Burn for a while. He was a Fucking retard sadly.