Holy mother of damn this kid is ST. ANGRY!

I really hope this isn't really and he just acted like this because he was recording himself. People do stupid ass shit like that so I hope that was the case.

If not, then this kid is in need of some serious anger management ASAP before he actually hurts someone. If this is real, it is very scary. He looks like the kind of kid that snaps and shoots up a school.
O.k some of you are parents this is why I am not. If that was my kid, acting for the camera or not And he got that upset about a video game I would beat his ass black and blue. He wouldnt see another video game till he moved out of my house. The neighbor hood bully needs to pay this young buck a visit, that is unless this twat is the neighborhood bully.
prime666 said:
The neighbor hood bully needs to pay this young buck a visit, that is unless this twat is the neighborhood bully.
I have a feeling that one too many neighborhood bullys have already visited him, which would explain why he's taking out his anger and frustration on a computer game.(Dr. Phil ain't got shit on MikeyBong!)
GregadetH said:

If this were my son - I'd beat his ass with that keyboard and lock him in his room with nothing but PBS for a year. What the fuck?

Apple should use that for a commercial and at the end have the words 'he should have bought a mac' come up on the screen.

I seen that video before but without the translation, i thought he was getting owned in the game not waiting for it to load, if he didnt smash his pc up like that the game would prolly work.
The fact that the kid has actual mental problems and isn't just "having a bad day" aside........ I have to admit.....

"Eat your melted shit" rules!!! lmao
I'm using that one!
ThraxEm said:
Gotta be staged.......... if not how is this kid not in some serious treatment?
I guarantee he doesn't act like this in front of his parents.
I was raised a Chicago South Side Polak. If your own parents didnt smack ya in the head for that kind of shit another kids parents would come over and do it. I cant imagine my kids acting that way either... not ever....