Holy mother of damn this kid is ST. ANGRY!

1 possible explanation...

Shit keeps getting broken so you set up a camera. You catch the little fucker and punish his ass. Word gets around the family and the mean cousin, brother/sister or whomever puts it on the net for all the world to see that you are a gaytarded raging gamer.
Dude - he's going to have a heart attack. My foot would be so far up his ass you'd have have tow truck pull me out.

He must have found some of hitler's meth.
GregadetH said:
1 possible explanation...

Shit keeps getting broken so you set up a camera. You catch the little fucker and punish his ass. Word gets around the family and the mean cousin, brother/sister or whomever puts it on the net for all the world to see that you are a gaytarded raging gamer.

That had crossed my mind, wasn't in much of a mood to type it out though:lol: