I bought it from Holy Roar last week.
I love vinyl (good quality vinyls have that special sound, plus vinyl packagings often look great

), and even though I own a pretty good turntable (old school, borrowed from the parents

), I think that CDR offer is pretty cool. Vinyls are great, but CDs are definitely more convenient for me. First because my living room is not the only place I can listen to them... I find myself to play music more often on the computer player, in the car (I'm sure Toby will hate the idea, but yes I do occasionnaly play KD in my car

) or the crappy player from my living room...
And being anal with my record collection, I'm always worried not to play my ltd editions vinyls too often to avoid damaging them... so I always end up ripping them on CD the "artisanal" way. At least this time it will sound a bit better.
But I have to admit that offering the music on CD increases the risk of finding the songs online, even though I think they would have ended there anyway...