Holy s**t! New Helstar tracks f**king slay!

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
Re-united Texas power-thrashers Helstar have their new CD "The King of Hell" coming out in September, and they've released three new full songs on their website. The new cover art is wicked and the new songs are absolutely killer. It's the old Remnants of War lineup, and they've really captured the furious energy of classic albums like "Nosferatu" and "A Distant Thunder" with these tracks...I think they're awesome (much better than new outputs by Testament or Overkill. Just go to the "Media" section and rock on with some new Helstar, at their official website:


Let me know what you guys think too!:headbang:
The stuff really sounds brilliant. I had the fortune to see the new (old) line-up live a couple of weeks ago in St. Pete, FL, and they were amazing. Pure energy and power and the boys really showed that they are a force to be reckoned with. Can't wait for the album to be released.
Love these guys, for those that don't know it current KRUCIBLE guitarist Eric Halpren was a member of Helstar for awhile. Last year at Texas Madfest we basically had HELSTAR there in the form of ETERNITY BLACK, all members of HELSTAR minus Rivera, and these guys really blew the roof off.
Everyone needs to buy Nosferatu right nowwww, it's like 7 dollars on Amazon and easily one of the best USPM recors EVER.
It leaked like 4 or 5 days ago. It is not bad at all. James' vocals sound great, as does the whole band. It has been ages since I have listened to Helstar and this new cd is a great way to come back. Wicked disposition is my fav track as of now, and this song also has a Sanctuary vibe(I agree with you patrick, so it is not just you, James while singing low resembles Warrel back in the Sanctuary days).
One of the most underrated and unappreciated true heavy metal bands that ever existed. This album should be huge, but will probably go unnoticed by the majority of metalheads largely because of their aforementioned obscurity. Killer disc!!!