Holy S**t!!! What a Find!!!


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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Ashent from Venice Italy!!! Wow, where did these guys come from. Glenn needs to check this out now!!!


Just listen to the first tune on their myspace page. Actually reminds me a bit of Vintage Eldritch. All i know is I have to get my hands on this album. It is called Flaws of Elation. Talk about a kick ass opener for Saturday. I'm sure it is a bit too late for next year, but you never know....
I gonna have to agree with you on this. After hearing that one song I have been inspired to buy the cd. You know where the best place would be to order a copy?
Dude, if it's from Italy, then there's a 90% chance that it's prog. They're absolutely bonkers here for prog/power metal. It's kinda strange too because the other giant metal scene here is the polar opposite: brutal death metal.