Holy shit!

That drummer needs work. You guys should work on making more of a complete song and try to make it more structured.
yeah we've had some real problems getting it all in time and shit we record our tracks at seperate times and the untitled new song was especially hard. and about the structure, yeah we have the songs now and we're waiting for a vocalist and we'll make the structure around his lyrics and stuff, i'm hoping once we get the songs totally finalized we could go in a real studio instead of just micing shit in the drummers garage and get it totally perfect.
dude. going to studio is total waste of money if you can't pull out your song in tempo alone!!!!
what do you think will happen in studio that it all will sound better and clearer?
or you will be recording it every body at once in separate rooms or in one room
OR you will be recording it each instrument independent
and the point is that you this or other way will have to do it with metronome or click track right!
so do your self a favor and don't think of recording studio until your band can pull it out right in your rehearsal place
(i am speaking from personal experience)
dude. going to studio is total waste of money if you can't pull out your song in tempo alone!!!!
what do you think will happen in studio that it all will sound better and clearer?
or you will be recording it every body at once in separate rooms or in one room
OR you will be recording it each instrument independent
and the point is that you this or other way will have to do it with metronome or click track right!
so do your self a favor and don't think of recording studio until your band can pull it out right in your rehearsal place
(i am speaking from personal experience)

I think the reason the tempo was off is cuz he said they recorded each instrument separately and then tried to put it all together...so they didn't actually play together and the tracks were just out of sync when put together... unless I misunderstood.

but yeah, I still agree with you about not going to the studio until the band is perfectly ready.
thanks for the feedback and advice guys, yeah the recordings are offtempo but the main idea behind them was just to get some songs up and get some music out there. we only did a couple takes of recording except for the untitled song which took a lot. once we get a vocalist we plan on rerecording everything including the other songs we have and that'll probably be a lot more solid. also, the studio idea is a bit far in the future so by then we'll definately have everything solid and perfect for recording in there.