holy shite!, my comp has screwed up help!!!


Jul 5, 2007
Croydon (south london) UK
my band has been waiting to record some guitars for months now, i'm borrowing a 5150 today for a few days....

we've all got realy fukin excited!!!

i turn on my comp this morn, and within about 5 seconds it says

'disk read failure
press ctrl + alt + delete to restart'

or something along these lines

so i do it, and as it restarts it says the EXACT same message...
is there like a safe way of getting around this?
i'm sure theres some kind of SAFE MODE booting option or something :S

cheers guys!
yes, sorry to confirm that it looks like your harddrive dropped dead.

i've been victim of this few times. it can happen, and there is nothing you can do to prevent this.

except, backing stuff up.
What do you guys use to back up hardrive?

I have a usb 250 gig hardrive and i back up all my protools sessions on that but i would like to be able to save a backup of my main c drive with programs and everything case this happened.
all my sessions are recorded straight onto 2 lacie f.w drives.
i periodically backit up to dvd or to another hard drive on the old g4
Drive is fucked.

If you didn't recover it, take out the drive, put it in the freezer over night, then use a disc recovery on it to get as much back as possible. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
If its really important data you can send the drive to a firm that specializes in data recovery.
Mind you, they usually arent cheap!
Is there a program that will save your whole hardrive including windows operating system. Then you can reinstall everything in one shot....
I've never done it but I've heard of people taking "images" of their disk drive and saving that as just one file, like an ISO of a DVD for example, and then you reload that image onto your hard drive and your whole computer is back with one file... I've never looked into it so I have no details, but Google that shit.
is the drive making any growling like noises (or should I say did) or tapping noises? Make sure your cable didnt come loose or something didnt get screwed up in the bios.

One of the above posters is correct, if you can cool the drive down over night and then slave it to another system you may beable to recover some of your data--on newer drives this sometimes doesnt work. If this does work but it heats back up before you can recover most then try this (at your own risk) take a 2 large zip lock bags and fill with ice, take these 2 bags and put each into another 1 or 2 zip locks (the key is no water escapes the bags), mind you this is without the drive in the bay outside the case away from other electronics, place one bag on each side and boot the system, once again having the drive as slaved. This should allow for 20 minutes or so of time to get your data back off the drive.

If the cooling method didnt work to begin with, then odds are something is on one of the platters and only data recovery companies can recover it, depending upon the amount of data you are looking at anywhere from $650 on up. If you need one of these type of companies PM me, I deal with a few on a regular basis
Is there a program that will save your whole hardrive including windows operating system. Then you can reinstall everything in one shot....

Acronis makes a good program


As far as my backups, since my audio workstation is also what I use for my business I am really proactive in my backups. I use one internal drive for one back up(backs-up all significant files every night),1 usb that also does a backup of this file and its own back-up file(4 nights a week) and then I have a remote backup that backs up the USB drive twice weekly. So even if one backup is corrupted I have another to choose from or in the event theres a fire I can pull my data from the remote
all my sessions are recorded straight onto 2 lacie f.w drives.
i periodically backit up to dvd or to another hard drive on the old g4

Which type of Raid array? The "redundant" array or the "massive space" array?

I had some real nightmares with the second kind....Suddenly the array would de-syncronisze & work would disappear. Not worth the headache IMO.
Acronis makes a good program


As far as my backups, since my audio workstation is also what I use for my business I am really proactive in my backups. I use one internal drive for one back up(backs-up all significant files every night),1 usb that also does a backup of this file and its own back-up file(4 nights a week) and then I have a remote backup that backs up the USB drive twice weekly. So even if one backup is corrupted I have another to choose from or in the event theres a fire I can pull my data from the remote

That program would be what we in the know call a 'ripoff'...
