Holy Wars Cover!


Shred it
Sep 18, 2010
Salt Lake City, UT
My buddy came over last night and gave me the idea to record Holy Wars since he's been on a major thrash kick, so I said hey why not?! Mixing process took about 3 hours.

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7708595/Holy Wars Backing Track.wav

Lemme know what you guys think! This is probably my best mix yet, I really focused on the low end of the mix so I wanna hear some input on that. Here's some info on it...

Guitars: Gibson Les Paul Studio w/ EMG ZW 81/85's, PODFARM (I tried to steer away from the tact)
Bass: Fender Precision (brand new strings :p), Sansamp
Drums: All slate, snare is ToneDef - Snare 12a - Dream, toms are Quick toms, kick is 1 and 10 I believe
everything but the vocals sounds AWESOME!

i know i know dave mustaine has a really unique style that's hard to imitate...

sounds like an online collaboration is need!
care to upload the files so i can take a shot? can't promise i'll nail it but my homeland IS israel...
Hahaha, thanks man! Ya my buddy just wanted to be on it because he was sick of watching me do everything for hours and hours, so I let him have some fun. Like I said, I didn't really mix the vocals because it was pretty pointless.
Thanks man, it means alot!! I took a decent amount of time recording and mixing it, so I'd love to hear more opinions on this! I really want to know what you guys think I should do to make it better, I LOVE strong criticism
sounds like an online collaboration is need!
care to upload the files so i can take a shot? ...

+1 to this!

Render down the stems and post them in a zip/rar file for us to contribute to. I've been dying for a good Megadeth cover to try mixing!
I'm going to make sure all the stems are exactly how I want them (I know there's a few mistakes I made/forgetting guitar harmonies) and I have to finish the song itself (except I'm not gonna bother with the ending solos lol) so I'll try to finish those and get a link to the files up and running on a new thread by tonight! :)
Awesome! If you don't mind, bump this thread with a link to a new thread (if you start one) as well to just let us know when it's posted since I'm already subscribed to this thread. :)