Home brewing


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Who here does home brewing? I know a couple of people do. I just bought a Cooper's home brew kit, and am all fired up to use it, but my house has an average temperature of 16-18 degrees at the moment, which is pissing me off.

So, can I get some sort of energy-efficient heater for it so that I can brew in the heart of winter? Can anyone recommend some good brews to try? Any tips at all?

Beer is one of my favourite topics.
I haven't done home brewing for ages so I can't really help. I've been meaning to get back into it though, but living where I do now the temperature might be problematic. I'd suggest waiting until it warms up a bit, because you don't want to run a heater all the time when you're not around. Ask at a home brew supplier. There's bound to be one nearby somewhere.
Sweet! I might have to get something like that if they don't cost much to run. It'll save money in the long run. I'm planning on becoming an alcholic over the next couple of years. Do you need both a mat and a belt, or just one of them?

There's a home brew shop near my Dad's place, so I might pop in there and have a word. Who made the home brew I had at your place, Brian? You told me at the time, but my memory.....

Who made the home.......oops, forget it.
I've had a few attempts at brewing, and truly suck at it. Still it goes alright in the water smoker and adds a little flavour to the meat as it BBQs.

My father in law is an ace brewer. He usually has two on the go at any one time, dumps finings in them, decants into another brewing tub, and leaves it age for a few more weeks.

Then he puts it into a coca cola syrup keg, caps it with beer gas, and lets it sit for 3 months.

When they are right, he puts them into one of two fridges in the back room, hooks up the beer gas and taps, and he's right to go.

Poor bugger can't drink for a few months because he's on blood thinners.

Oh well, guess someone will need to keep his inventory under control
I have brewed many a brew over the years.. Insignificant Ale is my specialty.
Interestingly I have found that the longer you store it bottled before drinking, the better. I'm talking 18+ months here! My stock from 2002 tasted shit back then, so I stored it away in the garage.
2 years later it's awesome! :headbang:
Get a few ale's up, or a few bitter's, then try an OLD with some hops, its ace, and get it right and its strong as shit :kickass:

Oh and just get a heating belt, it should do the trick for ya dude
Sydo said:
I have brewed many a brew over the years.. Insignificant Ale is my specialty.
Interestingly I have found that the longer you store it bottled before drinking, the better. I'm talking 18+ months here! My stock from 2002 tasted shit back then, so I stored it away in the garage.
2 years later it's awesome! :headbang:
I had a bottle in the fridge for 6 years until I finally decided to drink it. It was the best beer I've ever had.
Thanks for your advice, peoples. Yeah I've heard the longer you keep it in the bottle, the better. I happened upon a heating belt at K-Mart yesterday, so picked it up. Was only $31, so that'll do.

Yeah if you could get any tips off him it'd be good, Xena! How'd you manage to leave it there that long, Brian?!

Hmmm I think I'm going to print out this thread once it's done its dash. Could be handy.
I don't bother with beer. i make spirits