
Originally posted by Xtokalon
1) Quite bluntly, people are in jail because they have violated laws. Should they be in jail? That's a different issue which complicates our conversation drastically. Should a person be in jail for j-walking? I don't think so. More controversial, for possesion of weed? I don't think so. For murder?-- a universal law- yes. Why? murderers present a clear and present danger to society. Incarceration makes sense.

There's a difference, which is useful to consider here, between saying something is morally wrong, and incarcerating it because it is dangerous. Killing to save lives... morally wrong? maybe but depending. Killing to be viscious for viscious sake? Of course. Killing because one is mentally ill or psychotic? The language of morality ceases to be relevant. --- shit this is getting more complex than I like-- now you know why I chose to dismiss rather than bravely pursue this earlier. So I will abruptly end my line of argument here.
Jesus Christ, this is all I was claiming all along. Glad we got that out of the way. Moonchild and Misanthrope (and I thought you) would have countered with, "And can't you see that `danger' is relative?" or some such nonsense.

Guess what? We agree. *halelujah!* Maybe my ulcer will go away now.

Originally posted by Xtokalon
2) Another crucial thing, perhaps more crucial than 1 is that I am not saying what Misanthrope is saying. I do believe in negatives-- Misanthrope is a damn nihilist- no offense buddy ;)- he believes in nothing. I am a moral realist. What does this means? I beleive that moral rights and wrongs and justifications for these do exist. This is quite the contrary from what Misanthrope seems to believe.....

3) How indeed does my post (in reply to Misanthrope) count as a defense of you and not the opposite? Misanthrope was attempting to pick out inconsistencies in your language that is inherent in

i) saying "rights and wrongs don't exist they are only subjective"


ii) arguing sincerely- arguing because you feel you are right about something.-- anything of this is sort is a "better than you" attitude *of a kind*.

What he missed is the fact that you were involved in *i* as a way of "simplifying discussion", of suspending just that problematic (-- I should back track and double check words here, but i won't for convenience if you don't mind.) At the same time he became oblivious to his own contradictions- the fact that he seems hateful towards anyone remotely pretending a "better than you attitude" in the process enacting an abusive and more philosophically pernicious better than you attitude. It gets more complicated than this- a bit too much for me to handle at the moment.

I didn't get this at all from your previous post. If that was my fault, I apologize. Thank you for explaining it.

Jesus. What were we debating? Lingo, apparently.

Apologies to everyone reading. :lol:
Misanthrope is a damn nihilist- no offense buddy

None take it. I take that as a compliment as a matter of fact.

At the same time he became oblivious to his own contradictions- the fact that he seems hateful towards anyone remotely pretending a "better than you attitude" in the process enacting an abusive and more philosophically pernicious better than you attitude. It gets more complicated than this- a bit too much for me to handle at the moment.

You have insight. It is true that i become abusive towards people. That is just as low and patetic as their own fault indeed. However ( and by no means trying to justify it ) i indulge into this kind of thing only to fight fire with fire as some might say, to give a graphical vision of arrogance. Of course i am aware this has serious repercusions to my image and credibility however that is something i really do not mind. I do not mind people thinking i am dumb and idiotic cause i fire cheap insults at from the cradle in the inflames board ( and this ) however, i just thread people the way i sense they do threat me, act the way i sense they act. Yet my twisted visions of this are probably not adequate for this forum i agree and realize, but as satori wisely said we must keep the verbal masturbation going. After all it is indeed a discussion forum no matter what kind of changing attitutes i or anyone might have.

As for the jail subjet, i would like to remind and restate that i consider some murderers as dangerous to myself and the ones i love. But really they are but a small percentage of the murder acusations, most of the murder acusations i know have prefectly justifiable reasons ( and while should be punished should not be as hardly ) and another good percentage of this shorts of crimes are based on circunstancial or meaningless evidence. ( The fact some little girls fingernail was found in my card does not proves that i rapped and killed that girl and one should not have to prove why the nail was found in the car or why the girl was in the car, while it could make you a candidate it should not be allowed to cloud a jury's judgements as it oftenly happens for example ). Beyond the reasons wisely stated by Xtokalon about why i believe justice to be faulty and corrupted this are the reasons why i believe this murder thing is prove why moral is flawed ( beyond my personal visions of the world )

if YOU think some people should be in jail, that means you have to admit there are some "negative" actions in this world, however you define "negative." which would contradict what you and misanthrope keep trying to prove.

Bringing your wrath upon me once again, i must say this is also not very wise. As in my example of a murder attacking my dear ones it IS a negative aspect for me, and maybe some other close family. However the whole point of arguing and defining morality and "do's an Dont's" is to realize that as individuals we cannot justify making all society sympatyetic to our personal needs. The point of moral is making every member of society sympathetic about every member of society's problems. This is where the problem lies, in an ideal egoistic and perfect utopia that people like myself vision in dreams, problems that do not directly involve oneself should not be forced into the individual without agreement. This is what moral and law do. In everybody else socially perfect and without a trace of corruption utopia, justice and moral would be the ultimate justice. But neither of this situations are real, the thing is both problems bother me. It bothers me that i am forced into moral and it bothers me that i am forced into a corrupted process. Personally, as selfish and sick as this could sound, i do not care if any of you get killed UNLESS it is done by a person that can become a threat to me. This is a simple fact. What DOES bother me is that this person pays with his life because he committed this crime against someone who stupidly asked for this, like getting in a car late at night ( you know the risks of running into a drunk driver or a presecution every driver should be aware ), Or perhaps making an unstable but otherwise harmless person uneasy and actively seeking to find their rage, this is just stupid. While the other person might not be totally inocent just because someone is dead does not justify he was stupid to begin with taking a risk and that even in oblivion he should take part of the responsability, leaving the aggressor with a considerable less hard punishment, and second of all why should I care about all this if it does not involve me at all why should i have to ideally participate in the process of a trial ( the jury is supposed to be a representative of the population and i do not wish to be represented ). This cannot be anymore clear
I refuse to answer such question because i dislike the entire concept of natural. As for if i am ok whit it or not i always have been, and about how do I consider it i already stated that i have mixed opinions and cannot make my mind.
Originally posted by Tribal
It happens in nature as a show of domination in a group, not a life style. Unless this is the next step in evolution, I can't agree.

I don't know where you got this ridiculous notion from, but it's nonsense.

Homosexuality doesn't happen as a show of domination, it's got nothing to do with that. Some animals are inherently attracted and want to mate with members of the same sex, not as a form of domination, but as a form of pairing, just like heterosexuals.

Also, this "not a life style" thing is nonsense. Homosexuality isn't a "life style" as you would love to believe. It's an innate and overwhelming desire to love and fuck, just like heterosexuality.

Originally posted by Satori

Also, this "not a life style" thing is nonsense. Homosexuality isn't a "life style" as you would love to believe. It's an innate and overwhelming desire to love and fuck, just like heterosexuality.

You're the first straight person I've ever met that understands this. I've lost count of how many times I've explained this to people and they just couldn't comprehend it. You've earned some major cool points with me. :grin:
Originally posted by Satori

Homosexuality doesn't happen as a show of domination, it's got nothing to do with that. Some animals are inherently attracted and want to mate with members of the same sex, not as a form of domination, but as a form of pairing, just like heterosexuals.

I think you need to watch a little bit more of the Discovery Channel and PBS. It is a social show of domination to other males trying to rise in the group. Argue with the animal observers, not me.
Originally posted by Lina
:lol: You're such a prick! I hope for your sake that Belial doesn't hunt you down.

:lol: You're so cute.

I hope for Belial's sake he doesn't hunt me down.:p
Originally posted by Belial

For the sake of knowing, the sexual orientations are as follows: Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgendered.

Wha'bout asexuality?

No-one seems to have latched on to the point that the male g-spot is (apparently) in the anus.

As important is this debate is, I can't be bothered to argue here and now. After six pages I begin to tire...
Originally posted by Russ L

Wha'bout asexuality?

No-one seems to have latched on to the point that the male g-spot is (apparently) in the anus.

As important is this debate is, I can't be bothered to argue here and now. After six pages I begin to tire...

What G Spot? Fucking myths.

The base of the penis extends all the way up to your ass... which is why some people might find fingering pleasurable.