Honky midrange problems with higain guitars

My HS80s seem to agree with your midrange honk issues. Either that or I'm hearing stuff simply because you mentioned it in the first place. :Saint:

I'd do some sweeps with a really narrow Q around 800-1200hz and take out 1 but not more than 2 resonating freqs, attenuating as little as possible. Other than that I think this is one of the most tastiest tones I've come across in some time.
Haven't read all the other replies, but if this "honky midrange" is present in all fo your patches, it might be your guitar's "fault". If so, there's nothing wrong with some EQ BEFORE the amp. I EQ before the amp all the time, let's you shape the sound and possibly, to some degree, dial out some of the ugliness in your own guitar. I actually even EQ more before the amp than after, haha.
turn the tube screamer off completely, see if your mid problems go away. tube screamers are used for that mid boost. also could be the IR you're using but honestly, im thinking its the tube screamer.

another option would be to use the waves c4 and bypass all the other bands except the mids and solo the mids to narrow in on that frequency that is honking out on you and give it a good compression, then unsolo it and see if it sits it better in your mix.

if you want a boosted amp sound, try something different than a tube screamer.
or a better question would be what are you trying to make it sound like? any comparisons you can point to us cause you're getting a decent guitar tone but if mid scoop is what you're going for the a TS is out of the question. what are some of your influences for the guitar sound you are looking for? any bands you can or guitarists you can give us?
hey guys, i think it's my untreated place, it's much easier with headphones.
right now i'm trying out some amplitube cabinets :)
@waav studios: i want it to be tighter, it's mostly sounds muddy to me.
i like the sound of emmures speaker of the dead, acacia strain and architects naysayer.
i realize now you are going for more of an overall balanced "flat" sound instead of a grindy one like you have. try setting up tse in front of x50 then dipping out some of the upper mids with an eq after the preamp and then start auditioning cabs. eqing it closer to the source makes finding and eqing the cab ir much easier, at least to my experience.