Hooded Menace - Fulfill the Curse

Climb Thar Hill

not family oriented
Jan 23, 2006
Tomb of the Giants

Absolutely crushing release from these Fins! Nice mix of Old School Deathy/Doomy metal. I believe they also have a new album due out soon as well as a 7" split with Asphyx

myspank link http://www.myspace.com/hoodedmenace
I believe the album is pretty hard to come by these days (or at least I have not been able to locate a replacement copy). Good news though, Razorback is doing a repressing which should be out pretty soon.
This looks real badass judged from descriptions and artwork, but it still gives me a comic book-y feeling that I don't approve of so I haven't bothered listening yet. When should I change that?
I should have Never Cross the Dead tomorrow along with the new Hour of 13 and some other stuff.. I'll listen/rip then.
I'm gonna be irresponsible and order it this week. I've rather enjoyed the few tracks I've heard off of it.

Same here, despite owing thousands on my cc for repairing my jalopy I wish to do a fairly decent haul to celebrate the anniversary of my birth. The conundrum lies in that I don't know what the fuck to buy. I have a $100 visa gift card, which could give me a good 6-7 decent releases.

Probably going to pick up some Drapsnatt, Drautran, Helheim Av Norron Aett, and the Primordial DVD from TER. Which would leave room for a couple other quality pick ups. Perhaps the new Hooded Menace, though I have yet to absorb the first. Anybody know where to pick up the latest Master's Hammer domestically? Nad lend me $1,500.

Recommendations gladly tendered.
WTF Phil! He just reused lyrics from Upwards of Endtime on the Gathering. Can't think of anymore lyrics?!