Hooray for the police.

hahaha ive felt like that before off of brownies but i sure as hell didnt call no 911, i just laid in my bed. it was nuts though. too much weed food can make you freak out.

Brownies will get you high as hell, but to the point where you think you're gonna die?? I just had to lay down and couldn't move. I've thought I was gonna die on some other substances though.

best part was:

"I think we're dead" :lol:
Marijuana is many times more potent when you eat it because by burning it you destroy most of the THC .

By cooking it you get the full potency of the drug .

Smoking is also bad for your lungs :puke:
Haha, I heard this a few days back...hilarious. I do have to say though, that if he ate a very potent batch of brownies and he almost never smokes or never has, he's going to have an absolutely ridiculous high.
Last night I was with some retrothrash kids and we hotboxed their truck, and I got retardedly stoned, and then somehow I ended up at this party in Oakland and smoked a bunch more hash, and it was like something out of a bd 90s movie. Like there was a beer vending machine in the kitchen, and there were people kicking doors off hinges and breaking boards and smashing keyboards and breaking bottles in the house and shit.

And then my ride left without me, so I was with my friend from LA and he and I just crashed on the couch because I really didn't feel like walking through my pals ass Oakland at like 3 in the morning.

And now I'm home, and I'm still way residually high.