Hope Leaves

affinityband said:
I thought you werent comin back to this forum ? (Threadstarter)

yeah, i left the forum for about a month, because i was sick of being hit on by 30 year old men and being picked on by jackasses.

But I decided, who cares, let them take their time insulting me for "shit threads" etcc, its the internet, if you fight on the internet, its like participating in the special olympics, win or lose, your still a retard. so, i'll let them say their shit and laugh at their stupidity. i'll say what i want and i dont give a fuck what people are going to say in response.
Don't worry, metal_wrath takes on most of the hatred on this forum these days ;) good to have more women here anyhow, when men are left to themselves they start fighting - it has always been so and this forum only proves it :lol:
opethXisXlove916 said:
yeah, i left the forum for about a month, because i was sick of being hit on by 30 year old men and being picked on by jackasses.

But I decided, who cares, let them take their time insulting me for "shit threads" etcc, its the internet, if you fight on the internet, its like participating in the special olympics, win or lose, your still a retard. so, i'll let them say their shit and laugh at their stupidity. i'll say what i want and i dont give a fuck what people are going to say in response.
yeah, tbqh you're a tool afaik
opethXisXlove916 said:
yeah, i left the forum for about a month, because i was sick of being hit on by 30 year old men and being picked on by jackasses.

But I decided, who cares, let them take their time insulting me for "#### threads" etcc, its the internet, if you fight on the internet, its like participating in the special olympics, win or lose, your still a retard. so, i'll let them say their #### and laugh at their stupidity. i'll say what i want and i dont give a #### what people are going to say in response.

Just ignore them, they're just mad because you're a really cute girl that likes opeth & the only girlfriends they have are their hands.
I don't understand how you can get depressed by "Hope Leaves, yet at the same time, say "To Bid You Farewell" is one of your least favorites. That's like saying "My favorite food is broccoli. And my least favorite food is broccoli." Both of these songs rank near the top as Opeth's more emotional songs. You're clearly into the somber side of Opeth, so I don't see why you wouldn't like this song (which is probably their best song).
opethXisXlove916 said:
yeah, i left the forum for about a month, because i was sick of being hit on by 30 year old men and being picked on by jackasses.

Just ignore them, they're just mad because you're a really cute girl that likes opeth & the only girlfriends they have are their hands.

This thread went no where fast.

Ahem, I DO really enjoy Hope Leaves. Matter of fact....I like Damnation more than most people it seems. In my time of need is also excellent.
and yeah hope leaves is probably the best song on damnation, although windowpane is close.
opethXisXlove916 said:
does this song make anyone else almost cry.. or is it just me..
i love it, but i find it very depressing
fav song off damnation by far
any opeth songs that make you depressed?

hope leaves is truly a master piece....even Mike said...that after writing he was like...WOW....how could I write such a beautiful song.......!!!...def. one of my fav opeth songs.......as far as teh songs that make u depressed.....hmmmm.....nothing really....well if im alreayd sad and listen to "Still day beaneath teh sun"..then I can get alil more sentimental...hahahaha...........its the song I had playin when I proposed to my wife...hahaha...........good stufll.!!..........PEAC EOUT
opethXisXlove916 said:
yeah, tbph i think you need to fuck off and get a life.
tbqh im not the one making threads about my favorite opeth song. kbai.