Hope Tab

Allan said:
Chances are a band must've sold a lot of records in order for me to know their name without having any idea of their songs.

Ok, if thats the case right, the people who thought it was a Pink Floyd song cos it says "Pink Floyd Music" on the publishing credits.. Surely they also saw "Vile Music" written right next to it. So why didnt they use the same logic for that?
i was adviced anathema 'bout 7 years ago, because i liked pink floyd. eternity was the cd they had in the library and i liked it and when i went on a search for the hope song, i first as well googled on pink floyd/hope and even on pink floyd/jugula.

only realized it bits later i was wrong. vile music just didn't ring any bell, (and i wouldn't connect ville vallo to anathema). pink floyd music just sounded like ... music from pink floyd. so yeah. perhaps it's a no-native english speaking people thing.
Strangelight said:
Ok, if thats the case right, the people who thought it was a Pink Floyd song cos it says "Pink Floyd Music" on the publishing credits.. Surely they also saw "Vile Music" written right next to it. So why didnt they use the same logic for that?

Because you and Danny haven't been out saying how much you love this band called Vile. Pink Floyd is a magic name, Vile isn't.
siderea said:
it is one of those i'll have to meet by accident in a dark record shop owned by a one eyed limping man, telling me stories bout how he sailed the sea and penguins tried to rule the world. aah. blessed day that will be :cool:

haha excellent :lol:

i have a live recording of the original song...where roy also reads a poem in the beginning

but lemme tell y'all, antimatter has done a much better job on the unreleased album for fucks sake...so much more feeling in mick's voice dammit