Hopefully the Last Annoying Tech Question I'll Ever Ask

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
i kinda need a PDA for work cuz ive been lugging around a 35 pound backpack for 4 years. i havent researched those things in quite awhile but i assume theyre pretty expensive, considering all the stuff you can pack into them now. my question is, would there be more value in a laptop than a PDA? i dont necessarily need the ultra-portability of the PDA so i kinda figure for not much more money i could have a dvd player and ability to play games on slow days and etc.
whatchoo think?
word. thats what i want. i assume the smaller they are the more they cost? erkface
My wife and I both have PDA's. She also has an ultra-portable laptop. PDA's are limited, but they are useful for me in the field and at meetings and such. The smaller the laptop, the more expensive. But you should be able to get something around 5 lbs. for $1000. I can give more information on PDA's or the ultra-portable laptop, if you want.
yeah, i got on their website last night. mmm... i dunno. they have laptops for $500. yeah, big clunky ones but laptops nonetheless
i fucking hate pda's with a passion ... by the time i jot anything down in one, I can write it down on a notepad 10 times over.

have a small ultra portable Dell laptop though ...

dorian ... check this site daily for super deals from Dell ... http://www.gotapex.com/
PDA's definitely serve a purpose. I have a whole bunch of spreadsheets in mine that I've made up on the computer before hand. Then I just have to enter information as necessary. It is a huge time saver, and it definitely helps with data accumulation. Taking notes with a PDA is pointless. That's not what they're for.
Both Dell and Sony have a sweet ultra=portable laptop that uses either Singular's or Verzon's cellular wireless thing. I think pretty much any laptop can be configured like that, though.

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