horror movie messageboard people are kinda uptight


Sep 12, 2002

No problem, and I've taken care of that for you.

If you would have followed the very simple procedure in place for our
registration process, regardless of how many usage terms you "zip through"
on a daily basis, you could have saved us both the trouble of wasting our
time. I'd rather not have folks who consider reading and honoring a short
page of usage guidelines a burden posting at the forum anyway. The whole
idea of you blowing off our rules, signing up, and then self-righteously
lecturing me about a rule that was clearly in place when you signed up is
pretty insulting.
he got mad because i requested he delete my username from their database (this is after signing up late last night).

they censored one of two posts i made. someone asked about an obscure movie. i basically said the movie was fairly terrible and mentioned i had obtained it from a grey market dealer named VIDEO SEARCH OF MIAMI about 5 years ago. except, i typed VSOM. not hyperlinked or anything.

i was snooty but very polite in my request..!
they hate bootleggers!

but really, no wonder i stopped going to horror movie conventions when i was 16, or doing a zine, or corresponding with anyone that's into the stuff. a bunch of uptight, impossible to deal with monkeys!

sorry, real monkeys! you are better than horror movie people!
hey hey hey, it gets worse!


>I was attempting to clarify my position.
>If you want to take that, and the tone of my request, as an insultÑthen so
>be it.

Fair enough. But yes, your clarification was insulting, and I'll tell you
exactly why. Your response was "I won't actively participate in an
environment that squelches information in this manner." What insults me is
that you've twisted around my policy into some sort of censorship issue,
which it absolutely isn't. Had you followed our posted rules to begin with,
your post would have never been edited. And rather than looking at the REAL
reason our policy is in place, which is NOT to "squelch information" but
rather to prohibit bootleggers who rip off copies of copyrighted material
and sell them for their own personal profit from getting referrals or
recommendations from my web site for their "businesses," you used it as an
opportunity to falsely state that I censor at MHVF, and accompanied your
lecture with the self-righteous request that I delete all your postings.
Yes, that insults me.

>Quite frankly, the point of all of this is simply because i typed "VSOM".

No, that's absolutely not true, Nick. The issue here is that you did not
bother to read our forum usage guidelines and did not honor them in your
initial posting on our boards. And when you were contacted about it, you
emailed me a misguided lecture about my own rule, a lecture that was
grounded in a completely false premise. It's an issue of respect and
responsibility, neither of which you demonstrated.

>I do not blow off rules. I do not appreciate your attitude, which I am
>interpreting as unnecessary.

You don't? Then what exactly just happened here? The very least you could
do would be to have the integrity to take responsibility for your own
actions. You may think my attitude is unnecessary, Nick, but this entire
incident has been nothing short of frustrating. When you come into someone
else's house and break a posted rule the moment you step through the door,
that is not the time to "express an opinion" -- it is the time to express
regrets and apologize.

There's nothing more to say. I'm ready to move on from this matter and
would appreciate you doing the same.


in all fairness i should be posting my replies in their entirety, but that would be totally dorky and betray my unending, everbearing politeness!
jeez what a retard. It's pretty obvious you didn't promote some bootlegger, you just cited your source, right? obviously this dude has some control issues and is not exactly open to being reasoned with.
the way i see it - this messageboard caters to horror elitists as well as some industry people. more than a few people who acquire films and release them on DVD (i think reps from Anchor Bay and Elite both post there) haunt that site.

He also asks for donations to keep the board going, so i'm thinking he doesn't want to rock the boat.

but yeah Avi, you're seeing it as I am. I was merely citing my source. Anyone who knows what VSOM stands for is already well aware of it. in fact, VSOM is a business that sells DVD-R and VHS bootlegs for something like $25 a pop.
why would DVD people fear this?