people on the BLS message board are too uptight and have no sense of humor

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Angel of Death
Member # 923
posted October 24, 2002 03:29 PM
damn, i was hopin he'd hit 20 before he got caught hehe
This is what dead dumb fuck had to say about the snipers.I am aware that I should be writing about Zakk, and this is for him and his family. Only a little boy hidden from reality by his Mom's bedroom and his computer would write something insane like that. I know ya try to start things to get people angry, I've unfortunately read plenty of your bullshit remarks/posts. You should be banned for this!! I can only assume if Zakk or any of his band mates were involved in these snipers you would have kept your fuckin jaw shut, however since you are only a child, you think it is cool or evil to say shit like that. You are the biggest poser of this site, our music and it's integrity! Real funny Mark! You are a weak minded little boy,check a mirror and empty it.

this was on the topic of the sniper after he got caught... the dude started a BRAND NEW THREAD called "All BLS fans!!" in the main Zakk Wylde forum... people need to get a grip and learn to laugh
I was rooting for 666 people, but that wouldn't happen.
Most boards are uptight, I'm surprised they even attract anyone that think for themselves. This HAS to be the most relaxed board I've ever seen... No, I'm NOT joking, the worst has to be the Sonata Arctica board... I like S-A, but SHIT, these guys speak like British Tal-Rajs, and if you have a different opinion, you should be banned. :bah: