I have run across pure ignorance today

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Episode 1.
a kid in school sayin the following.
"dude, Slayer is easy to play, why don't you get a heavier edge with Disturbed and System? Even if I gave you tabs and lyrics to a Disturbed song, you wouldn't be able to play it in 2 months."

Episode 2.
in a BLS voice chat room, i played Death - The Philosopher and Amon Amarth - Death in Fire. needless to say, they proceeded to criticize every detail. From the bass sound, vocals, and guitar solo in Philosopher, to the vocals of Amon Amarth. they were "not metal" and they proceeded to praise Disturbed.
Episode 1.​
I screamed at him "IT'S SLAAAAYYERRR!!!!!", and left in disgust. All lunch and the rest of the day, it boggled my mind with how someone could come up with such idiocy. The intro of Raining Blood contains more notes than Disturbed and System of a Down has ever played.​
Episode 2.​
Not only is the majority of BLS and Pantera fans filled with evidence of complete white trash, but (once again, the majority) have no idea how to appreciate metal. Disturbed comes up yet again here, and it boggles my mind (once again), how someone can blindly prefer them over Amon Amarth, Death, or Nevermore. Makes me sick to think of myself as a Zakk Wylde fan, as I am put into the same category of these people. I am not an SDMF. I am a Zakk Wylde fan. I do not drink beer, nor do I write songs about drinking beer. Nor do I worship Phil Anselmo.​
:My Questions:
What has happened to the world?​
Why are people idiotic?​
How has Disturbed brainwashed people into thinking Death isn't metal?​
WWCD? (What Would Chuck Do?)​
What has happened to the world? It's always been like this.​
Why are people idiotic? It is in their nature.​
How has Disturbed brainwashed people into thinking Death isn't metal? People are easily brainwashed. Just look at all of the Christians.​
WWCD? (What Would Chuck Do?) Damn good question.​
I think we ought to stuff sparrows down their throats, until the beaks poke out through their stomach walls.
Yeah, people are pretty fucking retarded, all right. This pretentious assclown in my Lit class, when I mentiond Ronnie James Dio as one of the greatest metal singers of all time, said "Good metal singer? Isn't that an oxymoron?" I gave him a look of indescribable pity and said "Andrew, how long have your ears not been working? I'm sure someone can find help for you."

And then there's the Nirvana story, which you've all already heard (if you wanted to.) Basically, people are ignorant and closed-minded and unless they actively seek out less accessible forms of music, they're going to stereotype and make stupid comments because it doesn't occur to them that anybody could be more talented or intelligent that whatever trash they're listening to. Ergo, I like Metallica more than Nevermore, but I freely admit than Jeff Loomis shits all over Kirk Hammett, and Lars Ulrich is only a match for Van Williams on his best, most coked-up day in 1987 with about six hours of warmup followed by a stress-relieving massage before drumming. A lot of people don't want to admit that.

Christ, that's a couple of long sentences.
will we do what we're told
till the day that we're sold
or will we raise or voices
make alternative choices
-KMFDM search and destroy
That makes me sick. What the hell is wrong with people today. And why the hell do they like such shitty bands as Disturbed. I have to go vomit now.
Calm down, dsm. Look, it's their problem if they want to live in ignorance about what we consider "ignorance". Yes, someone saying that Disturbed are more "metal" than Slayer may make some of us want to spontaniously combust *explodes*. But it's theses people's fault if they want to keep being ignorant, sounding stupid and only knowing something that is shitty, lame-ass nu metal as real metal. Ignorance is annyoing. But that only gives us more things to make fun of:D
And don't even get me STARTED on Nirvana. You know that will go on for a long time. All I will say is that they are possibly the most over-rated and undertalented band ever to exist in this county. (England has the Beatles and all, so...)
Disturbed played near here recently. The average age of the crowd was about 12. When me and my freinds walked past we were asked if we were going to the gig. we laughed our arses off, pointed to our Emperor and Devin shirts and said we didnt listen to anything written in crayon.
Abuse gets you through the day with these kind of fuckwits.
I don't like Zakk Wylde's new(er) CD, but Stronger than Death was nice. Maybe his next will be good, though. :p Had to put that in there, it's too cute to pass up.
Hey, ChromaTOAST, Chuck Schuldiner's ghost is here, he demands you pay him back that $20 he lent you in 2000.