Hello everyone....


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Stopping by to say Hey. lot of shit going on in life. I'll get to that later. Nevermore with disturbed/interesting. Although C.O.C. toured with disturbed this past year on the Jagermeister Tour. I've seen disturbed live and didn't like them. Disturbed's latest song and video does have a guitar solo, imagine that. On the now playing list, been a bit nostalgic listening to older stuff or what I term "good hair metal" like Leatherwolf, Lillian Axe, Dokken along with the new Dragonlord, GZR, Opeth, and of course Nevermore. Till next time, take care.
Thanks Will. As for the stuff going on in life: My mother is in the hospital with pancreatitis. She just got Adult onset diabeties and her pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin. Next Shannon's (my fiance and mother of Iann) sister, Kim, is going through some shit with a possible felony for "abuse of the elderly." Long story short, Kim is a CNA and worked at a nursing home. Her supervisor/charge nurse told her and another girl to give two elderly ladies suppositories. However, unbeknowst to Kim and the other girl, their supervisor didn't record or chart this in the records and apparently the ladies didn't need the suppositories. When the charge nurse was asked about this, the bitch denied everything. So the families of the ladies are trying to sue the nursing home and in order to do this their going after individual employees. This has been on the local news and has been going on since October 05. She goes back to court in March 06. It's some Bullshit and Kim could possibly go to jail, so Shannon and her family are a nervous wreck.
Wow, thats rough. Best of luck to your mother, hope she makes it through that okay. That's real bad too, what happened to your fiance's sister.:erk: Hopefully the head nurse bitch will get what she deserves.
I don't know you but I can understand when things turn from bad to worse.

Hope everything turns out well.
Hopefully the court can see the truth beyond the bullshit and your fiance's sister will be fine.

Sorry to hear about your mother, I meditate, so her well being will be in my thoughts tonight. Best wishes man!
hey there...
can you call ledmag...
see what the hell he is doing..
tell him to get in toucjh with me on the *email* ...
things are grand, in oz..
Rebirth, I'll try to call ledmag this week. Talked to him about a week ago. we talked about the Testament/Live In London DVD and I told him I had the latest Dragonlord. He said he had been listening to Atheist and Mekong Delta. I'll tell him to get in touch with you.