i am way too uptight and old-fashioned!


Aug 28, 2002
watertown ma
i am posting from the dorms of hampshire college. by the way, this dorm room (a single) is bigger than my room at home. anyway, the show, i had a great time and it was wonderful to play the music again. BUT
college is weird!
there was basically this party going on in the complex we were playing. students were everywhere just spilt out all around and as the night went on it got louder and more people showed up. after playing, i was basically beat and i didnt want anything to do with it. i got crankier and crankier. this drunk kid comes up to me (in the room we were playing) and was like "where's the party?" i pointed outside and said "it's out there" he was like "well what about in here" im like "its over" then he started touching our keyboard. i waved his hands. i then continued to be as rude as i possibly could to him and started ignoring him. sam took over for me and was nice to him.
i managed to by sheer brute selfish effort find a place to stay relatively quickly. i ended up in the room of some kid who is boning his girlfriend at wesleyan. apparently its ok for me to stay in his room and shit? and use his computer (which i resisted until about 1/2 hour ago). people here are pretty nice, and it is the weekend, i guess they are unwinding from studying hard. i must just take life too seriously now or something because for the most part i dont get college students anymore. you couldnt pay me to live in any of the student areas in boston.
the woman who put on the show is from my hometown and she has been a great host, even going out of her way to get me vegan food. i also shot pool, and i am listening to some of my music on this kick ass stereo system. granular synthesis is cool.
yeah, even DJ was telling me about how sick he was of the screaming college student crowd that was jostling us as we were trying to hang out outside. and think of how much worse this'd be at UMASS or something!

the show was great, though, and Allie (sp?) was really nice!
You dudes need to start staying up later. See, if you'd waited for the party to wind down, then you'd have had a quiet, pretty much empty campus in the dark hours of the morning with which to do whatever you want. And hampshire goes to bed early. DJ and Mia and I decided not to sleep, and after the party ended around 2, here's what we did, in no particular order:

1. Swung on tree swings
2. Watched a naked guy and girl run around the quad for a while
2a. (While we played bocce)
3. Rode community bikes around
4. Went into the auditorium and drew genitalia on the blackboards, and then lowered the 50-foot projection screen to cover it
5. Naked swam in the reservoir while listening to coyotes howling
6. Found several pounds of amanita mushrooms growing and harvested the fuck out of them
7. A whole bunch of other small stuff
8. Had cranberry pancakes at dawn

Conclusion: hampshire is fun regardless of a few stupid youngsters who eventually go to bed anyway and western mass. rules! forbes, i hope you can stay up with us someday.
Hey Forbes if you're really keen on being an old grumpy man... I've got this movie called Century Sex you might enjoy.
Alex, I think DJ is on them right now!

But no we just picked them and brought them home. We had straightedge fun. It's important for Forbes to know that he can hang out with us/have fun without substance use!:headbang:
I just put on DS9 for the first time in 6+ years and it's the one where Worf's wife dies. WTG??!?!?!?!?!?