I have run across pure ignorance today

I have to say that while disturbed aren't a band that I would go out of my way to listen to. I find them a lot more listenable and bearable than a lot of the other mal-metal out there. I mean all of those people going into guitar center to buy a Papa Roach tab book and acting like it is the holy grail really make me want to vomit my guts out.

And while SLAYER isn't as hard to play as say Nevremore or early Megadeth, anyone who says that SLAYER is easier to play than disturbed really needs to be castrated with a rusty fishing hook, so that he will not be able to pollute the planet with future generations of ignorant people.:zombie:

And Death Rule. Damn dude Chuck must be spinning in his grave from this corruption of metal by all of these second rate players who call themselves metal.
Yeah, i even think its possible Chuck is coming out of his grave to teach all the suckers out there what REAL METAL is.
My god, compared to the crowds you encountered, deadskinmask, the people in my environment (Germany) are almost open-minded. Well, of course, only few have good musical taste. Well, I talk to them, we exchange CDs..and if I want them to listen to hard stuff they don't like, they say "I don't want to, it's too hard for me" instead of "I don't want it, it's shit."

You can easily track down the process of degeneration in a society if you look (and listen) what the young folks there calls entertainment..
yeh. sascha from KMFDM is from germany. best thing to come out of germany since.....ever.

Wiederaufbau und vernichtung
Wirklichkeit und heldendichtung
Edle wahrheit und legende
KMFDM zum bitteren ende