dittoCharubic Murder said:metal_homo is the worst attempt at a troll/fake account I've ever seen.
Charubic Murder said:metal_homo is the worst attempt at a troll/fake account I've ever seen.
anonymousnick2001 said:I've never seen Bill Steer. Post pics, plz.
Being comfortable enough with your heterosexuality to be able to acknowledge when men are good-looking does not make you 'queer'. However, I will say that your signature just made me laugh so hard that my KFC Coke came out of my nose.Chopstick up the Peehole said:I can't believe how easily some of you took the bait to make yourselves sound like complete queers.....
Well done Sherlock. Don't you think enough people have said that already for it to be pretty obvious?Robohead said:this thread was created by a troll "Metal Homo". Why bother feeding it?