Hottest guys in metal..

Ehmm, since I'm a girl, I think I can reply to this topic without being called "queer" ... the hottest guys in metal are:
Shagrath from Dimmu Borgir (don't really care which dipshits are gonna call me untr00 over that one)
Hennka and Janne from Children of Bodom
Hellhammer (in kind of an odd way)
If your gay and look for a hot metal god than you must consider Rob Halford, but be prepared to get hurt.

My pick goes to the girl from Evanescence (dont care what her name is).
Children of Bodom are a bunch of pretty boys.

Devin Townsend is not "hot." He just looks very, very, VERY, metal.
Charubic Murder said:
metal_homo is the worst attempt at a troll/fake account I've ever seen.


Even though this thread really doesn't belong here :erk: , I can't think of a single metal forum where I don't see 1,000,000,000 posts stating "OMG!!~@@ CHRISTINA SCABBIA IZ TEH HOTT", so I'm posting my choices:

Bill Steer
Peter Tägtgren
Mikael Hedlund
Tomi Koivusaari
Johan Lindstrand

...that is all...
anonymousnick2001 said:
I've never seen Bill Steer. Post pics, plz.


Carcass Rules
Chopstick up the Peehole said:
:err: I can't believe how easily some of you took the bait to make yourselves sound like complete queers.....
Being comfortable enough with your heterosexuality to be able to acknowledge when men are good-looking does not make you 'queer'. However, I will say that your signature just made me laugh so hard that my KFC Coke came out of my nose. :D
Robohead said:
this thread was created by a troll "Metal Homo". Why bother feeding it?
Well done Sherlock. Don't you think enough people have said that already for it to be pretty obvious?

...and it's being fed because it's not a flameware and people are actually talking in it.
haha well regardless the identity of metal_homo...
i think there are many hot guys in metal, hard to pick one... i cant think of one in particular... the vocalist of susperia is pretty hot. as is a guitarist of Haggard and i think the bassist in sanguis et cinis. special mention to Jens ludwig from Edguy.