Hour of Suffering - Pure Metal From Down Under!

king 0f chr0nz

New Metal Member
Jul 1, 2009
Hello fellow metal-heads and enthusiasts of heavy music! If ur into pure heavy metal (no sub genres here) then check out Hour of Suffering! We are a 5 piece hailing from the small town of Albany in Western Australia. We all come from different musical backgrounds and have different influences such as; Lamb of God, Slayer, Pantera, In Flames, Chimaira and Arch Enemy, just to name a few (if i was to name them all id be writing for hours!)
If you're interested please go to our myspace; www.myspace.com/hourofsuffering. Let us know what you think, it'd be much appreciated! If you're in a band add us and we'll check you guys out too!
From all the lads in HOS
Keep it metal! :headbang: