HOUSTON Show Live Pics !!!!


"Stay Grey!"
Sep 17, 2001
Well Last night I had the pleasure of experiencing the Opeth/Lacuna Coil Show!!! I had never seen Opeth live so also seeing LC was an added bonus! One word sums the night up! "AMAZING" I would of enjoyed it a lot more if hadn't been so darn HOT!!!:hotjump: That place was packed!!!
Here are my pics from the show...LC are not so great as I wasn't that close! enjoy!! :wave:http://photos.yahoo.com/silent_cries1

Wow, very nice. Some are a little dark, but that can't be helped at a concert. Thanks for sharing them :)
houston show was very excellent.I was the only one wearing the deliverance hoodie it seemed so if ya saw a guy too lazy to hold his hoodie he bought so he put it on with a red and tan cap on...yea that uh...wasnt me..right?
i was party envolved in bringing them to Aussie and i missed out on them cause of fucking moving states AGAIN .. and i can not forgive myself for that ..
but i guess it's soon enough that i'll be playing along side to them ... so i can not wait till then ...
Doro , Sodom , Immortal and My Dying bride will be here VERY Soon , so i'm looking foreword to that one , Oncle Tom hehehe , we're gonna get pissed , we have like 2 HUGE busses taking everyone from here to MElbourne for that gig ....

Anyway , The pics are Great , you lucky bastard lol ... my lady got to see them at the after party and took shitloads of pics and got stuff from them , she was so happy it was scary hehehe ... nah it was Great .. they are a great bounch and that is something i standby .... cause the Sydney show was one of the best .....
Cheers :)