How about a Def Leppard setlist?

Trixxi Trash said:
Spawny I'm comin' up to Sydney in November. I expect to be able to meet you up there ok and show me where the strip clubs are. We'll hit the town rock star style and shake up Sydney!
Stop laughing! I wanna know if I get to meet you in Sydney! I'll be up there around November 26th for Cruefest and maybe the night after or night before too. So come to either Cruefest or the glam gig the night after/before and hit the town afterwards with me!

Im not in the best shape to be hitting anything at the moment :) We shall see... Theres no way you arent going home with some strippers after Cruefest ends, I can just see it already, the sky is blue, a bear shits in the woods, superglam Trent goes home with strippers after Cruefest.
Trent, you gonna stay with us or you got something else worked out? You gotta come up to our place and see the locations we've found for your slasher film! The spooky old hospital at the end of our road has the evilest-looking access road you've ever seen.
I'll be staying with The Deadthings in a motel but I'll have to catch up with you guys again while I'm there! :) That spooky hospital sounds awesome!

:lol: Connie haha! I don't think I'll need to borrow yours lol.
November 26 at the Marquee Club. :)

Should be good. Live Wire look great and I have high hopes for them, I've heard the Mobstar CD and they sound good, The Deadthings are my fave current Aussie band, and Sebasrockets, well... not a big fan of them but they are ok I spose. Got lots of attitude anyway...

Haha their guitarist got kicked out of Back In The Day last week because he walked behind the bar and started pouring himself a drink! They grabbed him and asked what he's doing and he goes "Sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed to" LOL.