How about something fun for a change

Read the guy's blog, too... the one about the tacos had me holding my stomach from giggling so hard.
speaking of hideous hair metal pics, if anyone knows the location of any pantera photos when they were all hair metal, i would be most aprreciated. I saw it once, had a great laugh and forgot to save the link.
Wicked Inferno, have you ever heard the 80's Pantera when they were all hair metal-ed out and everything? Amazing stuff! I can't stop laughing when I hear it, Power metAAAAAAALLLL!!!!! hahaha. I actually like some of their pre-Cowboys From Hell albums more than their other ones, although Cowboys From Hell is my favorite.
i haven't heard any of it, but i saw one of the pictures and that was plenty for me. though i think now i will have to go find some old pantera mp3s.