How about VOCALS?


Nov 4, 2005
London U.K.
I see there's a lot of topics here about guitars and drums... but what's up with vocals?

I'm mixing a metal album at the moment, and I''m curious to hear how you guys normally go around shaping up brutal vocals... compression, eq, effects (reverb, delays, etc)

So far I have found handy the Waves R-Vox for compression, but I cant get my head around a reverb...


i use an sm 57, and point it "off axis" as if the vocalist's mouth is a speaker. then i add some compression and some reverb. I use Cool edit and i use vocalcomp fast, and predelay rock room verb. it works suprisingly well. the track i just did friday has those settings, it turned out pretty nice. the song is called dead girls don't say no ( the lyrics are kinda crude)
TheStoryteller said:
You can never go wrong with Voxengo Voxformer. Excellent compressor, eq, gate and de-esser. I also use the Sonitus:fx delay and (very little) FreeverbToo reverb.

Here are a few clips from the new Storyteller album that I mixed... not very brutal vocals at all though:

thanks for those tips for better vocals
i like your mixes a lot
love the music too ...