how allocate more memory to pro tools


No Care Ever
I just have a popup come up and tell me that i needed to allocate more memory to pro tools, and that it was shutting down whether i liked it or now...then it shut down. I didnt have time to take a screenshot of it

how do i allocate more memory for pro tools? I already had all my background programs shut down...

its pro tools 7.4
I may have found what i could do to fix it,as i had lots of edits and crossfades in the session(3 songs worth of guitar cuts and edits.)
It still wasn't as many edits as i would have if i were doing drums though, so i dunno....

"The DAE Buffer Size sets the amount of memory that the DAE allocates for disk buffers, so that Pro Tools has some buffer space to take content off drives. The default setting is Level 2. It is possible to go below Level 2, and doing so will reduce the amount of time Pro Tools takes to start playback and recording, but the down side is that as the Session gets bigger and you add more edits, the heads on your drives have to travel further to get all the data together. Eventually, the buffers will run empty and Pro Tools will complain, usually with the -9073 Disk Too Slow error.
You can increase the DAE Buffer Size above Level 2, which will allow Pro Tools to carry on working with Sessions containing higher edit densities or more tracks, or which are stored on slower, more fragmented drives. Pro Tools may prompt you to restart the computer so it can allocate more memory to Pro Tools, but even if there is enough memory — and there usually is enough to go up to Level 4 — you should still close and then re-open for the new buffer setting to take effect.
You sometimes can get a DAE error -6047, which is ‘Not enough system memory for audio buffers’. This error requires a restart, and is more likely with larger DAE buffer sizes. At the other extreme, though, I don’t recommend you drop to Level 0; for low memory usage, use Level 1. If the disks are too slow and you are suffering -9073 errors, go to Level 4. I don’t recommend going to Level 8, as there is a documented problem on LE systems which can give rise to an ‘Assertion Error’ whilst bouncing to disk."
Hey Brian check this tread out to get protools to use 2.7 gigs of ram instead of 1.5 which helps. I was having trouble with using some synths and stuff and i have 4 gigs of ram and used this fix and bam i could run way more ram using plugs. Anyways good luck dude...

Thanks bud! i just did it, and i got through the edits i was trying to do where it crashed on my twice in a row, and it didnt crash this time. I'll let you know if this fixes the problem for good