how can i improve this mix?


New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2009
Hello guys, i am new here and this is my first post. I guess i am not a virgin anymore :P

Anyways, i have been recording for a long time but i know i still have a lot to learn. This is a very small clip from a song i have been working on. I would really appreciate if you guys can give me some feedback and ideas about the mix. Thanx
Put your file into public folder on getdropbox. Bu arada hoşgeldin.
Well, I checked it out but it's hard say anything about the sound cos the file is at 128kbps. Could you upload another version with a better quality please? (192k or above). (Nice melody though.)
I am glad u liked the melody. I just uploaded 256kbps version, thanks for reminding cuz I have found out that I have been encoding 128b mp3s since I reinstalled Lame.
bit too short to gather what is going on the mix, you know.. in full songs you get individual instruments, drum dynamics, etc.. so it's hard to judge from this very short sample, but it sounds good to me.. maybe a bit too scooped, too much high end? not really sure what to make of it from this wee clippy, and yes.. nice melody!