How close is your Mix to the final Mastered product??

how do you get your volume then??

It depends on what do you want in your final mix. i.e. some productions tend to let the snare transient intact, that's why they don't use limiting on mastering. How do you get volume? Lol turn up the volume knob of your audio system. :P.
there is a interesting thread about the loudness war. At the end it depends on the type of music and what the producer wants.
i know, but think about the production volume of the 80's 90's compared with the one that we have know. is awesome how loud the songs are being produced.
it's just perception. And also I share your opinion about some well crafted mastering that raise the volume limiting the song without sinking the snare.
Yeah... but now we have to think about the 21st century... and i f*ucking love it if a metal product is mastered loudness no balls IMHO
I think there new album was just mixed bad anyway, even if it is too loud, if the sounds they recorded were good and it was mixed better it could of sounded good even at the volume it is at. what happened to james hetfield classic guitar tone?? there is no balls on that record at all

they need to get bob rock back on the job and tell him to make it sound GOOD