How Cold is Your House?

hahahahahahaha! this reminds me of a story from last summer. i dont remember if it was local or not so maybe some of you have heard it: some old lady turned her HEAT (instead of say, air conditioning) on during the hottest day of the year (around 100) and....................................died.
i dont wish harm on anyone but i just thought that was really funny for some reason.
i like my room cold, it's refreshing. At home (not at school home) I usually keep the window open. I have a solid wood door to my room thats really snug so it doesn't cool much of the house and it keeps my room nice and frigid.
markgugs said:
Cheapasses? Or people who live north of the Gulf of Mexico? :lol:

you're a cheapass when you'd rather suffer than pay a bit more to be comfortable.

that's like me letting my house get up to 90 during the summer months because i'm too cheap to turn on the A/C, and then just sitting there sweating
@old lady dying, haha

one night i came home blitzed, and apparently i was cold so i turned on the heater. now when i say blitzed i mean BLITZED. no recollection of getting home from the bar, the only memory i have was making out with some chick, then her friend was straddling me in the back of my friend's truck, then i was at home trying to find the mouse to my computer (it was on the floor) and yelling "youuuuu motherrrrrfuuuuuuuckkker......." over and over again.

anyhow, woke up in a painful daze on my couch with all my personal belongings strewn about. was shivering uncontrollably, because apparently instead of turning the heater on, i cranked the A/C to like 53 degrees on the thermostat. good times!
I'm not suffering, I keep my heat at 67-69 during the winter, but I'll be damned if I'm going to jack it up to 74-75 just so I can lounge about in shorts & a t-shirt in the winter.

As my mother used to say, "Put on a sweater!"
@nad: good story

@markgugs: haha, yeah. chicks and black people are pretty bad at that. i HATE going over to someones place and sweating just so they can lounge in tank tops and shorts.
Probably 60s or 70s most of the year, 50s during "winter". Am I the only person who read the thread title as "How Cold is Your Horse?"
