how do my vocals sound? (failure in flesh content)

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I have started practicing vocals about a week ago. Im not sure if i am doing it right as far as hurting my voice but it feels good and doesnt hurt at all. Is it possible to listen to it and tell me if im going to fuck up my voice? lol i know this sounds dumb but i just dont wanna hurt the golden pipes. I need to practicing pronouncing everything clearly but for now im just getting good sound. What do you think?

With track in Flesh.mp3

Without track in Flesh Vocals Solo.mp3
haha oh damn thats sick you get to work with him, and like i said, i just wanna make sure i dont fuck my voice up and make sure im doing it right. My one week of practicing doesnt amount to the time he has put in. I def hear where your coming from, good luck on your project btw
It sounds really good to me, better than a lot of actual vocalists I've worked with.

Needs some more grit and power but otherwise great for a week
I think your voice needs some processing, maybe add some grit to it, and try to get it sit better into the mix. The vocals are kind of loud now IMO

Other than that, I think it sounds good. A very old-school death metal voice, but should work well for just that.
It sounds really good to me, better than a lot of actual vocalists I've worked with.

Needs some more grit and power but otherwise great for a week

Thanks for the input!

I think your voice needs some processing, maybe add some grit to it, and try to get it sit better into the mix. The vocals are kind of loud now IMO

Other than that, I think it sounds good. A very old-school death metal voice, but should work well for just that.

Yeah the reason i had them loud in the mix was so you could hear them over nate's voice. Thanks alot!