How do these guitars sound?


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
This is my last-ditch effort at achieving a decent guitar tone. I am re-amping this for a fellow sneapster. The guitars have hp/lp and a notch around the 6k area. I have done a quick master (loose term) to raise the level a bit. Someone more capable than me is doing the mixing. :heh: The guitars have just been slotted into a rough-mix mp3 of the other instruments. Keep in mind that it is more of a Rock song than balls-out metal, so I have tried to achieve a Rock'ish sound.

I am posting this so I can get any advice that may help me achieve a better result for the fellow sneapster before I sell my cab, etc... however long/short that time will be.

Sounds great to me dude, gonna be sad to not hear clips from you for a while, just a side note on the same topic...........are you gonna stop posting here if you no longer have the gear to record?
Cheers guys. :kickass:

I will still be posting clips until I get rid of the gear............................maybe post some random comments after if I have anything relevant to say. :lol:

TheDude, I may give it another try with less gain. That clip was the Lead channel with the gain on 2.5 (out of 10).

Thanks again

Anybody else? :Saint.
Actually, I think you're right. I think I like the Krank better on this. I just realized who this was last night (after it being pointed out to me DOH!). I really like their songs, and think this guitar sound does the song justice. How many guitars are there actually? I can't tell if it's quad tracked with some extra guitars doing things, or just quad tracked. Anyway, sounds like a keeper!
It helps a ton with reamping that these tracks are already so well mixed, eh GH?

I think you've done pretty well mate. I recall playing with these DI tracks and finding they were lacking a lot in fidelity, so your ability to pull something of this caliber on them is quite impressive. Hope you hold onto that cab.
Ermin since the last DI tracks received such negative comments lol I went out and got a red eye and placed a new battery in my jackson..... so i'm hoping my DI tracks are a bit better now?? Ermin here they are if you have a chance to see if they've improved...

Guitarhack are they still pretty lifeless to you?

Hack you always go above and beyond!! And killed it I love the Krank! ...sounds even more right for the song! Thanks so much!
Great mix, and awesome tone as usual. I hope you hold on to that cab, the Rev+OS cab combo you have seriously puts out some crisp ass album quality tones.