how do YOU charge for mixing?

Jan 23, 2006
hey guys! im moving to a new studio site and am curious on what you guys do as far as charging for mixing.... right now i either book normal days for mixing a few days after the end of recording, or include it in a flat rate for the ep/full length/single. then take a week or so off (record another band) then start the mix........ i need something more solid though, something that allows me to be creative with the mix but also that will make me money. i have a habit of spending way too much time on mixes and ...almost getting emotionally involved, when not even the band cares that much... hah

so, by the song? by the day? what are you all doing and how has it worked for you?:Spin:
Hourly for edits as when you're mixing other peoples recordings you have no idea what condition it's in and a per song rate for mixing.
I don't want to interrupt the thread but I think pretty much everybody is doing it the same or at least a similiar way.

My question is, how much do you all charge?
Of course it depends on how experienced you are and how well you work and also on the quality of used soft- and hardware,
but where did you start for example? What turned out to be an average amount of money for an hour of tracking or a mixed song?
Right now I charge a day rate for tracking and a rate per song on the mixing. Seems to work well, though my mix rate is half my day tracking rate.

I'm finding it hard to convince clients that mixing is such a time consuming process. I always get the impression from bands that time they aren't there is time they aren't getting good value for their money, though it's not the case.