How do you reamp using podxt?


Jul 26, 2006
Im just wondering im intrested in reamping and buying a podxt but y not jus record th singal guitar threw the out put of the pod y record a D.I 'ed guitar track then reamp it and how do u do it thanx.....

Its possible to go straight into the Pod and let it handle it all. You must have a PodXT (bean, pro or live). If you don't have an XTPro, the only way to reamp is through USB. You can change some settings on the PodXT, so you hear the guitar amp etc, and it records just the clean track.

If you have an XT pro, you can also use this method, or you can just send the clean track to your interface from the unprocessed out.
DSS3 said:
What??? I'm sorry, but that does not work.

You don't have a DI output on the PODxt bean - only the Pro has that, but even then, I'd never use the POS DI out of an XT!

Actually you do have DI output over USB, if you configure the driver to work that way (it's a select box in the driver.) This works on any XT pod (bean, Pro, or Live.)

The DI is decent, better than cheap DIs, but nowhere near as good as a Radial J48 Active DI.