How does everyone like the new Superior?

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
Hi all,

I've been listening to the new Superior, "Ultima Ratio" and must say that the band is back and as strong as ever. "Behind" is a staple in my prog metal collection, although I must admit the poor reviews for Yonique have kept me from pursuing that disc. I did however read good things about "Ultima Ratio".

After the brief intro to set the scene, it's pretty clear after the second song, "Ultra", that the disc would bring back fond memories of my first few months with "Behind." Very strong and crystal clear vocals. "Ultra" packs quite a punch with it's deep bass groove. Awesome chorus..."Wherever you go, I am always around you..."

"Ultima Ratio" is a complex concept CD. Like most CDs of this nature, it takes a couple of listens to absorb all that is going on. I was lukewarm after my first listen, but after my third, I was already looking forward to specific moments on the disc. It has a great balance of power tunes and delicate moments ("My Fate" and "Terminous Interlude"). No shortage of emotion on this disc - it covers the gamut. "Fallen" is simply one of the best, most beautiful male/female duets I have ever heard. The guitars and keys on that track remind me of Savatage's emotionally thick stuff.

"The Unwanted" is the tune that to my ears reminds me most of "Behind". Another killer track. "Broken World" also has a slight feel of "Behind", but more aggressive and sets up the dark finale in grand style. "U R Resistance" follows and the anger flows even deeper.

My only negative about the disc is that the theme of rebellion against society by a rebel leader who is later tracked down by a disgruntled, former disciple isn't anything new. Operation Mindcrime, in my mind, can never be topped in the realm of revolution-based concept CDs. It is the standard by which I measure all concept CDs. That said though, Superior packs this disc with such great music that I really don't care much about the lyrics. They could be singing about the courtship ritual of saltwater crocodiles on this disc and I wouldn't care. The music behind the lyrics is that good. And in fairness, they do quite a good job with the lyrics and storytelling. The vocals are so clear that I rarely found myself looking at the CD jacket to figure out what was being said.

Overall, this disc is much more complex and heavy as a whole than "Behind". A bit darker too. "Ultima Ratio" is a must have for any fan of "Behind". And I highly recommend this disc for fans of prog metal who are looking for a new band and a unique sound to listen to.
I LOVE this album...really great stuff

Hey, but they do give queensryche credit. I read somewhere, i guess it was in an interview... they were like "we'd like to thank queensryche for the inspiration..." LOL
I was very impressed with the album as well, especially as it was my first experience with Superior. What's funny is that the similarities to QR: OM were part of what made me like the album!

P.S. Thx to General Zod for making me buy this down at PPIII.