How does this djenty mix thing sound?


how do mix ¯\(°_o)/¯
Oct 7, 2008
Hey guys, just messed around with axe-fx patches, but for a change without double checking on my audio technica headphones, since my nephew stood on the cable and broke the input jack :( sucks ass.

I had a listen through my koss portapros instead this time aha, so yeah, the mix might be all outta wack, who knows, it might be great, sure sounds ok through my tannoys but, they struggle with the really low frequencies etc.

Let me know what you think - TEST MIX-01.mp3

EDIT: TEST NUMBER TWO: - TEST MIX number twooo.mp3
some strange bass thing going on in the middle, putting some weird pressure on my ears :ill:

the guitars have a "fatter" sound than in ur last post, sounds cool :rock: I like the other one as well, this one is just different
Ah yeah, that's a subdrop, prolly didn't do it quite right, and as for it sounding better, cheers, but i messed with the patch on my old headphones quite a bit too :P so i still prefer them, i'm afraid, i'm sure i could do a better mix if i just had them to reference back and forward from my tannoys, usually works best for me
That crash on the left in the 2nd clip is wieeeeeeeerd. It sounds totally out of place and its really painful, in a weird way. Not the first china-ish cymbal at the start, but the one that comes in halfway through. I also really dislike the snare drum, but I dislike all of your snares so maybe its just a taste thing and that's what you're going for.

The rest sounds awesome, seriously great guitars, and the low-end is fairly controlled. I love the kick drum.
I demand that you make a song out of that second clip and then post a video of it! :)

Sounds great dude!
your chops have really come on since we started talking darren, instrumentally, musically and audio wise \m/
That crash on the left in the 2nd clip is wieeeeeeeerd. It sounds totally out of place and its really painful, in a weird way. Not the first china-ish cymbal at the start, but the one that comes in halfway through. I also really dislike the snare drum, but I dislike all of your snares so maybe its just a taste thing and that's what you're going for.

The rest sounds awesome, seriously great guitars, and the low-end is fairly controlled. I love the kick drum.

Thanks man! yeah, see, with my reference headphones, i probably would've picked that up with there super high end :( but oh well, when the final song comes, it'll sound alot better :kickass: Thanks for the feedback though!

I demand that you make a song out of that second clip and then post a video of it! :)

Sounds great dude!


Heehee, yeah it'll be a song, i'll try make a video for it when it's done!

your chops have really come on since we started talking darren, instrumentally, musically and audio wise m/

Thankyou man :notworthy
Darren, I immediately thought of Sikth when I heard the song. It's awesome that you mentioned it yourself that you have a lot of Sikth influences :) Didn't take me more than 3 seconds to detect the Sikth influences, and I love it!

Morgan, it's funny you say you love the kick but hate the snare... I feel the exact opposite haha. That snare really fits this style. Sure, it could get better, I'd say it has a tad too much low mids in it but that depends later on if there are more instruments added and/or vocals. The kick on the other hand... it's one of those kicks I don't really like because it sounds like the "smack" comes before the "thump". In other words, sounds like the attack comes before the body which creates this weird 80's type of "fat kick" sound which I just don't like. I immediately think of Pantera when I hear kicks where the attack sort of comes before the thump... weird.

Anyway back to the clip, it's awesome to hear stuff from you dude. If you and I lived in the same town, we'd be doing some serious shit.. of that I'm sure. Our music styles are not that different from one another, and we both seem to have fairly similar influences (well, Sikth is all you need in this world anyway!).
Forgot to mention that I'm listening on really crappy headphones right now, but am I the only one thinking this mix sort of "leans" back and forth from left to right? Maybe it's due to the guitars playing different things on either side but it's kind of annoying as it feels like a swaying ship from side to side... very slightly though, the unbalance isn't really a problem but I'm surprised I detect something like this as I never really do otherwise. Maybe a slight compression on the guitars would help when playing riffs with lots of stuff going on both in the highs and lows... I don't know.
Hey sorry to bother but besides your AWESOME sound (especially in the second clip), could you please tell me from which anime you avatar comes? Already saw that face somewhere but god I can't remember and it's starting to piss me off XD
Again, great work on the mix there, damn I wish I had enough money to buy me an AxeFx!
Just one thing, in the first clip, the floor toms sound kinda weak, but realy that's all.
Wow, that sounds awesome. Goddamn. <3 TEST NUMBER 2 especially

The song itself, the mix too but the song mang, the song. I love those ethereal djent songs.
Ah I recall you're that dude with all the most awesome djent stuff, I remember Chlorine and The place promised in our early days for sure.

Great stuff again.
Wow, that sounds awesome. Goddamn. <3 TEST NUMBER 2 especially

The song itself, the mix too but the song mang, the song. I love those ethereal djent songs.
Ah I recall you're that dude with all the most awesome djent stuff, I remember Chlorine and The place promised in our early days for sure.

Great stuff again.

Thanks man! I love that you remembered my older tunes! heehee!

Hey sorry to bother but besides your AWESOME sound (especially in the second clip), could you please tell me from which anime you avatar comes? Already saw that face somewhere but god I can't remember and it's starting to piss me off XD
Again, great work on the mix there, damn I wish I had enough money to buy me an AxeFx!
Just one thing, in the first clip, the floor toms sound kinda weak, but realy that's all.

cheers bro! Yeah the anime is Eureka seven for the one you were looking at, pretty cool anime, bit soppy in parts for me, but apart from that, pretty good.

Darren, I immediately thought of Sikth when I heard the song. It's awesome that you mentioned it yourself that you have a lot of Sikth influences :) Didn't take me more than 3 seconds to detect the Sikth influences, and I love it!

Morgan, it's funny you say you love the kick but hate the snare... I feel the exact opposite haha. That snare really fits this style. Sure, it could get better, I'd say it has a tad too much low mids in it but that depends later on if there are more instruments added and/or vocals. The kick on the other hand... it's one of those kicks I don't really like because it sounds like the "smack" comes before the "thump". In other words, sounds like the attack comes before the body which creates this weird 80's type of "fat kick" sound which I just don't like. I immediately think of Pantera when I hear kicks where the attack sort of comes before the thump... weird.

Anyway back to the clip, it's awesome to hear stuff from you dude. If you and I lived in the same town, we'd be doing some serious shit.. of that I'm sure. Our music styles are not that different from one another, and we both seem to have fairly similar influences (well, Sikth is all you need in this world anyway!).

Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you can hear the sikth influences! And cheers for the comments on the snare and the kick! I've been trying to mess with the kick quite a bit now, but i struggle to get something that fits the song, I will eventually! Just trial and error.

And as for the mix swaying, i've never heard that before :o I'll have a listen again, i'm pretty sure i'd never comp the guitars up though :3 they have enough compression as it is >_<!