How Does This Mix Sound??? Help PLZ


Thrashin' With Pashin'
Feb 19, 2011
United States
Okay, so i just mixed this and i want to know what you guys think. If you could please give me some tips on equalizing, that would be amazing.
As you can see my bass tone is horrible. Ive tried alot of different things and advice but the tone alway seems to suffer. Thank you in advance. :)

P.S. this community is amazing, it has helped me very much. thanx to all of you that make this happen :notworthy
I think we'd be able to help you more if it was a full mix with drums and not just 30 seconds of chugs.
I'd say maybe less gain on the guitars. You sound a little out of tune so there is a little "beating" going on in some parts. Maybe high pass the guitars to make a little room for the bass and notch out some 300-400hz and 4k with a little boost on about 1.5k. Bass needs some more body to go with that attack I think. Maybe boost 150hz.
Yeah I know where your coming from, I'll give it a listen when I get back to my workspace.