How gay is HellYeah!

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What was your point then? Why should anybody who thinks this band blows care how much money they make?
The point is they are richer than you for releasing shitty music and you are wasting your time bitching about them. Go make some better music, or otherwise make money, or at least post about something that will somehow better yourself or someone on this forum instead of slowly taking up this site's bandwidth with useless bitching that makes this forum look like a place to bitch about people who are richer than us, and therefor like a janitors' lounge.
You ever think that he and other people don't care how much money the band makes? I'm pretty sure people just think the band is god awful. I can't comment because I've never heard the band but my guess is that they're right based on the name and Pantera members.
The point is they are richer than you for releasing shitty music and you are wasting your time bitching about them.

Am I? How long does it really take to make a post bitching about a shitty band? Not that long, really. So what if somebody wants to waste a minute or two bitching about Hellyeah? Maybe the guys in Hellyeah waste their time jerking off to Right Said Fred videos or something of that nature. Who cares?

Go make some better music, or otherwise make money, or at least post about something that will somehow better yourself or someone on this forum instead of slowly taking up this site's bandwidth with useless bitching that makes this forum look like a place to bitch about people who are richer than us, and therefor like a janitors' lounge.

Does everything you post here contribute to humanity in a positive way? Who gives a shit? If it were really that important to go out and do such stuff there would be almost no reason to post here at all or do any kind of useless dicking around at all. Honestly, why do you care? Do you like Hellyeah or something?
I've never heard their music, but going by the pictures of them I've seen combined with the worst ever name for a band ever in the history of music, I'm not exactly lining up to check out their shit.
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