How I Made Myself Look Like an Ass In Front of Horgh


Usurper of the Goat
Jan 19, 2004
Olympia, WA & Dallas, TX
Hypocrisy destroyed Seattle. Don't let anything get in the way of going to this concert, because the line-up was fantastic, and all the bands played very well.

After the show, however, I got to meet the members of some of the bands. Met the drummer from DT, got stuff signed from him, also got a Soilwork pic.

However, all throughout the Hypocrisy set, I couldn't figure out who the hell was behind the drum kit. I thought it was Horgh, but he looked very different from what I saw in the DVD, and besides that, the drumming was kinda off..... so I assumed it was just a touring drummer. This was dumb on my part, as I should've realized that DVD was filmed around 5 years ago, and the pics were probably old.

Anyways I hung out with Mikael Helund after the show, practically gushed all over him, got pics with him, and also got him to sign the Live & Clips dvd booklet. Horgh was beside him, all alone. I ignored him.

I feel stupid. Ignored one of the most famous drummers in metal because I couldn't recognize him. One of those missed opportunities.
don't be so hard on yourself. half the bands i listen to i have no idea what the members look like, much less their names. and people always look different than you expect them to in pics. you played it on the safe side, and Horgh being in the band for just a bit more than a year, it's quite likely he assumed you simply didn't recognize him. i mean with out the corpsepaint and all it's quite different.

the first time i saw in flames i didn't know their names and had vauge ideas of what they looked like. turns out they were walking in and out the venue all day, before we started to take notice. you figure if they're getting asked for autographs all the time it's nice to slip by unnoticed once in a while.

still the same setlist?