How is everyone doing today?

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
I'm off from work the whole week. Just arose from a 24 hour period of on and off slumber and am in dying need of some brew. My plans for this afternoon include listening to tunes while I do some cd alphabetized maintenance.

So how is everyone? I truly care about each and everyone of you. :)
I've got a deathcold from Hell, but I'm not complaining as my medical abilities judge it to be bad enough for a few days off work but not bad enough to be really ill. Alas, I sleep a lot and play battlefield. I feel quite OK atm though, so the morning shall tell how tomorrow fares.

/Hell Mike
hhehehehe ... Jerry you big softie

going to do a photo shoot tonight at a night club for a website.

and tomorrow going to a dress rehearsal for a broadway play we are doing the site for ... super psyched about this one as it is based on a movie you all saw I would think ... don't want to make this thread show up anywhere, so lets' just say the movie was DeNiro's directing debut.

otherwise ... just ate taco bell and awaiting to release it.
I've got a deathcold from Hell, but I'm not complaining as my medical abilities judge it to be bad enough for a few days off work but not bad enough to be really ill. Alas, I sleep a lot and play battlefield. I feel quite OK atm though, so the morning shall tell how tomorrow fares.

/Hell Mike

just ate taco bell

I wish both of you a speedy recovery.
Pretty slow day. Woke up, grabbed some food at the local burger eatery, went to a few CD stores to pick up some Judas Priest re-releases/remasters I've been meaning to pick up for ages, came home, started listening, and browsed the net.

Later tonight, finishing re-drywalling the basement followed by possibly putting a primer coat on it.

and tomorrow going to a dress rehearsal for a broadway play we are doing the site for ... super psyched about this one as it is based on a movie you all saw I would think ... don't want to make this thread show up anywhere, so lets' just say the movie was DeNiro's directing debut.

They're doing a play for that? I'd go see that if I was in the area, heh.
Eh, doing okay. Seeing how much I can get done at work with the least amount of effort. Got the MP3 player going, and am thusly getting very annoyed looks from the nearest office mate.
yeah, as a one man show ... do a search on the web. it will be on for 18 weeks so you have time to come down

Wasn't it originally done as a one man show, then that guy pitched the script to hollywood execs or something?

Either way, I absolutely love the movie, so if I am in NYC in the time its going on, I'll definitely go.
Wasn't it originally done as a one man show, then that guy pitched the script to hollywood execs or something?

Either way, I absolutely love the movie, so if I am in NYC in the time its going on, I'll definitely go.

yeah, you're right ... hope to meet "the man" tomorrow ... bringing clean underwear just in case
I do need to meet him sometime... I got a birthday present from my aunt whom has too much money, which was the script signed by pretty much everyone involved with the movie except him. Also got an original promo poster with it. Had it checked out shortly after, and was assured that it is real.